Engaging Interpreting or Translation Services for CALD clients

The challenges and effectiveness of cross-cultural communication, plus the appropriate use of professional interpreters or translation services when necessary.
 Registration Year 2024-2025

Course Content

The challenges and effectiveness of cross-cultural communication, plus the appropriate use of professional interpreters or translation services when necessary.

Learning Outcomes

In this session you will:
  • Gain an understanding of Australia’s Cultural Diversity
  • Examine culture and communication
  • Recognise language barriers and other challenges
  • Explore engaging the use of professional interpreters and translation services

Silvia Borges

With more than 10 years experience in supporting people from different cultural and linguistic backgrounds in a variety of contexts, Silvia has joined ECCQ as a Partner in Culturally Appropriate Care (PICAC) training officer. She has since been researching, developing and delivering training modules focused in culturally appropriate care for older Australians.