our expert panel

Amanda Bowden

Ethnic Communities Council of Queensland (ECCQ)
Amanda has a PhD in Cultural Anthropology (the study of human cultures) and has worked in various roles towards addressing inequalities that indigenous peoples, as well as asylum seekers and other people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds, may experience.

Anne Evans-Murray

R.N., BHlthSc, MACCCN, Grad.Dip Ed, MEd, Dip Counselling, GradCertCritCare, CertIV Training and Assessment, CertIV in Mediation
Anne has a passion for teaching which she does in an unpretentious way that ensures you will not only understand and retain what she presents but will enjoy this learning experience. She has extensive experience of over 26 years lecturing for Gold Coast Health District and Griffith University.

Chaminda Konara

Dr Chaminda Konara received her Doctorate in Biotechnology from University of Queensland and her bachelor’s degree in biomedical engineering from the National University of Singapore as an ISO 13485 and ISO 9001 accredited auditor. Dr Konara has strong experience in implementing systems for quality improvement and change control.

Colleen Reid

Most of my professional nursing career was spent in adult mental health in public and private mental health hospitals and community settings. I managed a mental health special care unit for many years. The last five years of my professional life was spent teaching in the Diploma of Nursing TAFE.

David Ruzicka

Master of Nursing Science (Nurse Practitioner)
Master of Palliative care 

David is a nurse practitioner with over 14 years of clinical experience in palliative care. David has worked in both the acute and community sector within various Queensland health facilities throughout the state. He has proven ability as a palliative care clinician and researcher, as well as with mentoring and motivating staff. 

Jules Aitken

MSc (Nurse Practitioner), RN, CDE
Jules Aitken is an Endorsed Nurse Practitioner specialising in Diabetes, Chronic Disease and Weight Management. She attained her Masters of Nursing (Nurse Practitioner) at Queensland University of Technology (QUT).

Dr Julie Martyn

Julie Martyn is a senior lecturer who commenced in USC's School of Nursing, Midwifery and Paramedicine in February 2016. Her academic career commenced at the Fraser Coast campus in 2005. She is a Registered Nurse with more than 30 years' experience in acute medical and surgical nursing. 

Louise Webber

Masters Nursing Science (Nurse Practitioner), BA (Hons), RN
Louise has over 20 years experience in wound management and established her own Private Practice (Wound Therapies) following completion of her Nurse Practitioner in 2014. She has worked across several public hospitals and Community Nurse Settings both in Australia and overseas.

Maria Clemente

BScN, RN, JD, GradDip, Solicitor
Maria Clemente is a registered nurse and solicitor. She completed her Bachelor of Science in Nursing (honours) at Brock University in Canada. She worked in rural Ontario in the areas of Emergency and Aged Care.

Mary Andrew

Ethnic Communities Council of Queensland (ECCQ)

Mary has a long history working in aged care, with 25 years’ experience with the Department of Veterans Affairs in various roles addressing the complex health and support needs of the Veteran community.

Dr Michael Sinnott

Dr Michael Sinnott is a senior clinician and innovator with strong management, research and education skills. Dr Sinnott was involved in clinical medicine for over 35 years before retiring in 2018; the majority of that time was in the Emergency Department. 

National Asthma Council (NAC)

As the trusted authority leading the attack against asthma, we set and disseminate the standards of care through our responsive and evidence-based asthma guidelines, practice tools and resources and renowned education program.

Dr Pam Savage

R.N., Dip N (Lon), BA, MHPEd, Dip Law, EdDoc, MACN
Pam has an extensive background in clinical Nursing, education, and remote area Nursing both in Australia and overseas. As a Lawyer and Clinician, this background is brought to her role as adjunct Lecturer to undergraduate and postgraduate students as well as Aboriginal Health Workers.

Dr Paula Foran

Dr Paula Foran comes from a perianaesthesia nursing background. She has many publications to her credit including published articles and several book chapters on perianaesthesia and surgical nursing. 

Robyn Wortel

Clinical Education Specialist
Robyn Wortel is the Clinical Education Specialist for AVANOS Medical and has been in that role since 2017. Robyn has worked for the company for over 20 years and transitioned to the commercial medical industry too many years ago to admit to after graduating as a registered nurse and working in Operating Theatres in Melbourne.

Sandra Illet

RN RM BaHlthSc (Child Health) Grad Cert (Continence)
Sandra Ilett is a Registered Nurse and Midwife and for the past 20 years has worked as a Continence Nurse. She also has a Bachelor of Health (Child Health) and a Graduate Certificate (Continence). Sandra works in private practice as a sole provider in a home visit service within a 100km radius of where she lives near Childers.

Sue Walker

Sue is the director and co-founder of the Nurses for Nurses Network. Sue is a key contributor to the online education platform Nursing CPD – a Continuing Professional Development platform to assist Nurses in meeting their annual CPD requirements.

Dr Wendy McIntosh

RGN, RMHN, Grad. Dip MH, MN, Cert IV Workplace Assessment & Training, Group Leadership Cert, MRCNA, MANZCMHN, AANZPA
Wendy has over 30 years as a health professional (clinical, education and research), twenty-five of those years in mental health. Areas of specific interest and passion for Wendy include professional supervision, professional boundaries, professional identity, links between childhood trauma and mental illness and workplace bullying.