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  • An extensive CPD library saving you time and effort as there’s no need to search all over the internet
  • Hundred of CPD sessions presented by experts in their fieldsbe assured of best-practice, relevant content
  • A certificate for every session completed, stored in your personal dashboard evidence at your fingertips if required
  • Priority Support Help Desk a human available to answer any questions
  • CPD Audit Helpline – a Nursing education specialist to answer any questions
  • An online CPD Portfolio to document your CPD activities no need to stress if you are audited
  • Updates in key areas of Nursing via the Subscriber-only newsletter keeping you current and up to date
  • Subscriber-only discounts on selected land-based Nurses for Nurses Network CPD Eventssaving you money

Enhanced knowledge and skills – leading to greater job opportunities, professional recognition, and annual registration compliance.

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Annual Premium Subscription


  • Access to an extensive library of Continuing Professional Development learning activities
  • 24/7 Access                               
  • Certificate generated at the time of completion
  • 10% Discount on an ACN membership
  • Claim subscription as a tax deduction
  • CPD Evidence Portfolio                      
  • Discounts on selected Nurses for Nurses Network CPD Travel Events
  • CPD Audit Helpline


"You have made my journey through my nurse career easier with providing excellent educational information.
Thank you."
– Member B
"I would love to take the opportunity to thank you for having this organisation. Your resources have been extremely valuable to me with providing education , insight and expectation. I enjoyed all the sessions you have offered. Thank you very much for all Nursing CPD has done for me. I always appreciated it.

– Loretta
“ I just want to say what a wonderful CPD site this is…I hope I am ready if I ever get audited…Thanks again to Nursing CPD you are a CPD life saver.”
– Antonia