Mood Disorders - Depression from a Hands-on Nursing Perspective

In this webinar discuss the mood disorder, that in psychiatric terms, is called Depression and to focus on Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). Many other types of depression are managed in community and primary health care settings and are not as likely to raise red flags, especially if this is not the condition people are being admitted for.
Registration Year 2024-2025 

Course Content

In this webinar I want to take the opportunity to discuss the mood disorder, that in psychiatric terms, is called Depression and to focus on Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)
Many other types of depression are managed in community and primary health care settings and are not as likely to raise red flags, especially if this is not the condition people are being admitted for.

In saying that, we rely on engaged and curious nurses to alert the team to the possibility that the person presenting with a somatic complaint may also be suffering form a worrying depression.I would like to look at the information required to assist the nurse to be alert to the possibility of depression and some tools to facilitate assessment. We will also cover the information you need to make a good referral.

We will cover this huge topic in a broad manner and in the List of Resources I have added follow- up readings that will cover broad concepts or information in more detail.
I have also included a movie that I believe is worth watching in terms of family dynamics and some quizzes if you want to test the your knowledge of this topic.( these are from Medscape and require a login)

It is my contention that the information shared in this presentation would not be complete without the voices of those people who live with major depressive disorder (MDD) and the people who care about them and so those voices will be used verbatim.

Broadly speaking we will cover these topics:
  1. What MDD is and what it is not 
  2. Criteria for diagnosis of MDD
  3. Questions / forms which which help us to ask about those criteria
  4. What the person and those that care about them are thinking and feeling
  5. The variety of treatments available
  6. What you can do including the information you need to start a referral process.

Learning Outcomes

In this session you will:
  • Become clearer about the diagnosis of depression, especially major depressive disorder(MDD)
  • Gain confidence in having a discussion with a person who you think is troubled by depression
  • Explore the range of treatments available to persons with MDD
  • Gain confidence in your authority to use your assessment to take the next step

Colleen Reid

In 1974 Colleen thought she would become a nurse for a little while. Forty five years later she retired from nursing remains engaged and interested in the nursing profession and continues her work in nursing education.