Wound Assessment:

HEIDI, it's more than a girl's name

This webinar explores wound assessment as a holistic approach using HEIDI as a guide for your application in practice. In our second webinar, we will look at wound assessment in detail as part of the wound management process.
 Registration Year 2024-2025

Course Content

HEIDI is a mnemonic for History, Examination, Investigation, Diagnosis & Implementation. It can be applied in a clinical setting at the point of care to undertake a holistic assessment of the person with a wound.

The assessment is a key component in wound management and we use it to identify the wound aetiology, plan goals in outcomes, and formulate a management plan. Assessment is a key part of a clinician's daily life. Without it we are not able to collect information about our patients and it enables us to establish a diagnosis.

Sometimes clinicians caring for a person with a chronic wound will simply focus on the wound itself and this may result in poor healing outcomes. Undertaking a holistic assessment means looking at the whole person, not just the wound.

There may be a number of physical, psychological and social factors that may impact on wound healing and it is important to identify these.

This webinar is the first of 2 exploring wound assessment as a holistic approach using HEIDI as a guide for your application in practice. In our second webinar, we will look at wound assessment in detail as part of the wound management process.

Learning Outcomes

In this session you will:
  • Gain an understanding of HEIDI as an integral part of wound assessment 
  • Explore wound assessment as a holistic approach
  • Discuss the application of HEIDI as part of wound management planning
  • Explore some of the barriers to undertaking a holistic assessment of wounds


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These courses are more in-depth and skill-based focused.

Louise Webber

Masters Nursing Science (Nurse Practitioner),
BA (Hons), RN
Louise has over 25 years of experience in Wound Management and established her Private Practice (Wound Therapies) in 2014.